Buttercreme zum Anrühren

buttercream for mixing

Buttercream is an integral part of many cream cakes and classic recipes such as Frankfurter Kranz or Donauwellen. Decocino now has a ready-made mix that tastes delicious and is sensationally quick and easy to prepare.
Reading buttercream for mixing 1 minute Next Brilliantly simple

Buttercream is an integral part of cream cakes, fondant cakes, muffins, Frankfurter Kranz, Donauwellen and many other baking recipes. Baking fans will be delighted that there is now a ready-made mix on the supermarket shelf that also tastes delicious and melts in your mouth. Preparation is quick and easy. All you have to do is add butter and water. The portion-sized 250g bag is also practical, as it is exactly enough to fill and spread a cream cake or to decorate 24 muffins.

The delicate vanilla flavor of the buttercream can be refined with fruits, flavor pastes, chocolate coating and chocolate as desired and depending on the recipe. The buttercream can be colored using commercially available food coloring. The buttercream is guaranteed to be a success and is suitable for use with fondant.

Helmstadt-Bargen, 07.07.2020

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